Pastor, Teacher, Author and Life Coach

Regain Your Confidence & Fulfill Your Dreams Even After Failure

I'm a God-inspired lady who was insecure but found healing, confidence, and strength by keeping my mind and heart saturated with the Word of God.

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About Me

I'm Sandy, Professional & Personal Development Coach

I'm Pastor Sandy, and if you land here in my little space of the Internet, you're probably someone who has been fighting to hold on to your dream and see it happen.
So, come in and relax and fill your Google Drive with the FREE resources, training guides, and action steps neccessary to build a mindset that will lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams.

What do you need help recovering from?

Overcoming An Insecurity Mindset Requires Analyzing Where It Came From, Uprooting It, And Replacing It With The Thoughts That Create Bold Confidence. That's The Word of God.

  • Do you find it hard to think beyond natural limits?

  • Do you need help creating a big vision for your life?

  • Do you remember your past failures when you think of doing something new?

  • Do you anticipate problems instead of successes?

  • Do you constantly talk about your past?

  • Do you spend time meditating on the Word of God to create the vision of God for your life?

  • Do you make it a point to learn what God says about your life?

  • Do you compare your abilities with others?

  • Do you rely on your inner strength or outer strength?

  • Do you always see your resources for life low to empty?

Limited-Time Free Downloads

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Get Your Guide To A Mindset That Stays Focused and Positive

How To Keep your Mind Positive While Walking Through Challenging Circumstances.

How To Keep Expecting God To Prosper Everything You Do

This Dynamic Duo Will Keep You Aware Of The Concepts God Gives You To Prosper Daily.

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Download Your Freebie!

Meet The Powerhouse Inside Of You

God Put A Conqueror Inside Of You For His Glory And Your Good. Meeting That Person Will Open You Up To A New Level Of Living.

God Wants You To Prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.

These Resources connect you To the Power Inside Of You!

Your Faith In God Will Take You Into The Greatest Roles And Achievements Of  Your Life.

I've been where you are...


After years of feeling insecure and rejected, I found the answer to living life with new strength through faith in the power of God.

The person God made you on the inside is impressive, fearless, strong, focused, and full of faith.


The answer to true success is learning how to let God lead you from the person inside of you and not let the person outside you stop you.


Personalize Bible Recordings

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Relationship Coaching

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Business Communication Coaching

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Rave Reviews

What My Clients Are Saying

"I can't say enough wonderful things about Grace! In our first session, she helped me troubleshoot a challenging work situation and visualize what a better opportunity might look like. She is a great listener and I was impressed by how quickly she could dialogue about the specifics of my workplace and some of the challenges that were unique to me/my family and my work sector. She challenged me to think about what success looks like for me, and made specific suggestions for how to get there. Grace is clearly a champion for her clients!"

"Will You Answer the Call to Pray" has been a wonderful comprehensive guide that has assisted me and strengthened my prayer and biblical study. 
Each confession/pray is supported by scripture. Every area of one's personal and spiritual life is covered in this guide. It's so easy to use."
Dr Hooks

"Grace is a gifted, whip-smart, and wise career coach. Working with her was a terrific experience. She helped me transition from my previous career, putting me on a more fulfilling path forward. Her energy, enthusiasm, and optimism are infectious. I felt energized after every session with her. Now that we are in the midst of this great transition in terms of career-life, I’m grateful to have worked with Grace when I did. My time with her has helped me navigate the covid world with much more confidence and ease."

The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing and to pray on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests and this prayer guide has been a useful tool to help me do just that. 

The prayer guide is packed with The Word and has a prayer declaration to address EVERY area of our lives. This comprehensive guide continues to amaze me! Whether I want a prayer guide, to use the scriptures for a topical study, or to jump-start me in writing my prayer declarations this tool is just what I needed.

So grateful for Pastor Sandy allowing God to use her to develop this awesome guide!

 You will not be disappointed at what this course does for your confidence in God and you prayer life.

Your New Way of Being Begins Today!

Contact me and begin your journey towards peace, love, and joy!

Grace Audrey


"Will You Answer The Call To Pray?" will teach you the basics of praying effectively and get you on your way to praying with authority.

When you work with a coach, expect great change. You will clarify your goal, experience new insights, and take action. If you could have done it yourself, you would have by now.

Grace Audrey


How I Can Help

I Have Been There, I Understand The Dynamics And I Can Help You

I've been where you are...

After years of failures and feeling more and more insecure from enduring one disappointment after another, I finally had an awakening that changed everything.

 I realized that success and confidence are created inside you and appear on the outside. 

Today, life is an ongoing adventure of creating new opportunities for success by implementing this principle. I've helped hundreds of people achieve their goals and progress from apparent failures to tremendous success. I love teaching these principles because they teach you to feed yourself internally, stay strong, and change your life externally.

Want to learn more about this amazing technique and fulfill your dreams?

Sign Up For Your Coaching Intro Session

Ready To Get Started?

Prepare to be profoundly moved and deeply inspired. Prepare to be taken on a journey. If you are interested in having Grace speak at one of your events, in person or virtually, please click below to fill out the form, and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
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